Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I have always wanted to be a teacher. When I was little I used to say I wanted to save the world and when asked how, I would shake my head and say I will be a teacher. However, I come from a family that does not believe in higher education and my dream where constantly bashed and torn apart. My overall mission is to do what I have set out to do and become a teacher. As for this class, purpose is learn more about different literature and figure out which books are good choices and which are not. For those who have read my essays and blog must know by now that my grammar and spelling are nothing to brag about. However, I am working towards a Language Art focus to go along with my minor. Since I hope to be a Language Art teacher one day, knowing how to choice a good text is important. Thus, my reasoning behind taking a children's lit class.

So far I have learned more about literature I do like for crazy reasons but one thing I know I will never forget is look for how a culture is shown in the text. After read many books about different cultures and children in usual situations, I have created a mental list of what I look for in a book that I will keep in my classroom or teach. Since no one is alike, diversity is very important. Just today, the class read a book that I thought was completely out of this world...serious. But after thinking about the book and trying to understand how this book that didn't seem to have anything important in it could be so special? But now I see the whole point of the book is because it is not different it is something students can use for a role model. It is something students can look to for guidance.

diversity and multicultural literature does not stop with books. I believe it is done with teaching and how it is use throughout the classroom. Literature is not just only meant for story time or english hour. Using literature in other subject areas is one of the best ways to both make good use of time and incorrperate diversity throughout the school day. I feel literature needs to be part of everything. A math quote before math or a poem about science to get the students involve is one of the best way to get their attention and keep it. It is not too much work to find a piece of literature from another culture to use in other subject areas. My whole education has involved this thoery in every aspect. I believe it not because it is what I have been taught but because it is what I believe. I have so many stereotype that I grew up with that have hurt my education and made me feel dumb for believing. For example I USED TO believe that all Native Americans fill the story book tale of how they act and dress. However that is far from the truth. And to have been taught that is scary. I would never want to teach that stereotype, although I am afraid that I might teach a stereotype without knowing it. But I still have time to learn and out grow that mind frame.

I am always afraid I will fail. I worry that with everything I have learned I will not be a good teach and potentially destroy a child. Not in a physical way, but in a break down of all beliefs kind of way. My little sister had a teacher who broke her spirit and I can honestly say she has yet to recover. For my little sister, she always felt never good enough for this teach and always felt like the world was against her when she step foot in the classroom. I never want my students to feel this way. This is my biggest challenge. I do not want to intimate any children but I do want them to learn from the stereotypes around them. Another thing I fear is the parents of the child. Parents play the biggest role in what a child learns. If the parents what the child to know and believe something then they have a greater influence then me. And no book or unit can change that.

1 comment:

Claire Batt-Vandenburg said...

Becka--you have taken the biggest steps towards being a good teacher--you care! You are thinking about what it will take and seemed determined to make it happen. I so enjoyed reading your "very very personal" philosophy! I'm so impressed with your goals and how hard you are working to achieve them, and what you've already overcome to get there!