Friday, April 11, 2008

Boy Meets Who? Part 1

63 pages in and wow.... I am from a town that is free and friendly...where sexuality is not a dinner topic but no one shames anyone...but I have never read anything like this. Boy Meets Boy is an eye opening book...but I would not think it would be an eye opener for any elementary students...nor middle school. I may not be a full teacher yet but I have been to school for 16 years of my life...and i am not sure how welcomed this book would be. I feel that our community would not except it and in turn shun me for it. Maybe in ten or fifteen years our community will be more open to all people of all races, genders, and sexuality. It just seems a little too progressive for this day and age. I understand that there are same sex couple out who will have children and I could be there teacher, but I also know that while I can this book in the promote it to the class might be crossing a line. I do not want to start any classroom division between student or parents and especially with the district or community.

I do not understand how this book fits. It is a great book...I cannot put it down. BUT...I am not sure how my parents or principles will feel if I use it. I feel that it is a book that parents should read first...maybe then they would be more open minded to letting their teacher use it or at least have it in the classroom.

1 comment:

Laura Colombo said...

I understand what you're saying completely. I too wondered as I was reading Boy Meets Boy how effectively I would be able to use it in the classroom. I think it's a great goal for our society to eventually reach a point where acceptance happens so readily, but we aren't there.

I also worried that if I were to try to use that book in my classroom it would cause a great divide amongst students, parents, other teachers, and administration. That's not to say that we shouldn't use a book just because someone doesn't agree with but it would make using it that much more difficult.

The other thing I struggle with was the age range with which to use the book. It seems to be written for late middle schoolers but the content seems like it might be inappropriate and/or ineffective for students that age. I enjoyed reading the book but I'm not sure classrooms are ready for it.