After reading both Maus and the review by Janet Reilly I feel that I have read two different materials. After reading Reilly’s review, it is clear that she did not like the graphic novel nor does she agree with Art Spiegelman’s views. Throughout the test Reilly picks out parts of Spiegelman’s life that aid in how he represents his family in the test. Spiegelman explains that he only wants to “portray his father accurately.” Reilly finds this statement to be false. She continues on to included how the Jewish people are portrayed in the novel and how this is demeaning. She critiques the drawing of different characters for the novel. She refers to the cats as “poorly drawn”.
Reilly also refers to the way the novel is written. She states that the novel is basically hear-say and only Spiegelman’s father is the only one who can really tell his story of the camps. However, Reilly compares Spiegelman’s story to Elie Wiesel. She recalls the Wiesel’s story was completely from him and out of his head. But when she refers to Spiegelman’s story she recalls him constantly asking for more details and precise dates and times.
My review of the review by Reilly is that she was too harsh on Spiegelman. An insider author does not mean that it actually had to happen to him, although it does make the story stronger. An insider author means that they have done their research and have created a depiction of an event to the best of there knowledge. The Sydney Taylor award even states that books are awarded based on how the Jewish culture is portrayed. Spiegelman portrayed the event as accurately as possible. Whether he was there or not should not be held against him, since he did interview his father for the facts. One statement that Reilly did include did help explain her views a little. She stated the “’Holocaust’ never happened the way we learned in school”. I feel that this sheds light on her argument and helps the reader to understand her prior knowledge to the event and how this knowledge might have impacted her review.
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